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Arnold, Peterson & Criste Arnold, Peterson & Criste
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We Are Proud to Be One of the BEST DIVORCE WEBSITES On the Web!

Thurman W. Arnold, III

The EnlightenedDivorceBlog™ Strives to Be the Most Relevant Divorce and Family Law Related Website on the Internet!

I want to share with our readers something major that we've begun to undertake, that as far as I know few have attempted.

I intend to make, over time and as quickly as Michael Peterson and I are able given the demands our day-time family law practice, well reasoned sample legal pleadings, discovery requests and exemplars, sample declarations, points and authorities, and more that I've accumulated over 31 years of family law litigation, practice, and mediation for free!

It is one contribution to the InternetofEverythingDivorce, which for me means sharing specialized knowledge in the pursuit of better informing others including legal consumers, divorce attorneys, and family law judges about what we do all day long. Call me "crazy" (or obsessed) because what Mike and I hope to provide will help to blow the roof off the arcane legal guild of tacit agreement by family law attorneys who, as with any other professional class for centuries, have controlled access to their expertise. will help make this happen whether here, or on the next website your visit.

The good news for lawyers is that this information sharing will only improve our usefulness to our clients, and our personal satisfaction. The good news for you - the family law legal consumer - is your own empowerment. My intent is not to obsolete lawyers, because that isn't going to happen, nor should it. Our is an honorable profession; it is just that some don't need us as much as others do. There is a middle road.

Below I provide you the link to our new Divorce and Family Law Sample Forms Portal. However, I do have some self-serving requests, before you enter and some terms of engagement. These are as follows:

  • That you read and agree to abide by our Disclaimer. By clicking through to our Thurman Arnold Forms Library, you are deemed to have done so.
  • That if you are a legal professional or manage a family law related website, you not copy our content but instead link to us and provide us direct attribution. Please summarize our content in your own words (or link directly) to us.
  • If you are a legal professional and have something really well reasoned and written, we invite Guest Blogs that will feature your practice in your own locale. This includes Mental Health Professionals and Forensic Accountants. Our standards are very high, however.
  • That you understand that while we will provide the date of our sample form uploads, we don't have the time to go back and update them if the law changes. Again, we are just a small law firm and it takes huge time to manage our divorce website pages. You use our materials at your own risk.
  • That you be patient. I am pre-announcing this before I've gotten the proper amount of materials uploaded, but am looking forward to working hard to provide more divorce exemplars this coming weekend.
  • That you not call our office for questions unless you are prepared to engage us for a Second Opinion, because our staff just can't handle the calls and we can't handle the time, unless you are willing to pay us for that level of service. We would be honored to talk to you if you feel we can provide you value; otherwise, our contribution is what you find on this website and I beg you to honor that so that I don't become exhausted in my efforts!

Importantly for us, please help others to find us, and this connectedness comes in the form of Facebook Likes, Twitter Tweets, AVVO reviews, and/or Google Reviews. Social media is critical to helping others find us (we know, not your "other"), and in sharing what we hope to give away. If your time on our site wasn't wasted, please consider hitting a button or two before you move on.

Finally, we pray that you always try to not "blow yourself up" in your family law related cases, or consider that going nuclear with aggressive attorneys or litigation tactics will only bite you hard, financially and emotionally! We wish you a "mindful divorce"!

With all of the foregoing in mind, click here to enter Our Free Family Law and Divorce Exemplar and Sample Form Portal, and the links within it!

Thurman W. Arnold III, C.F.L.S.