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For Attorneys Only: Announcing LEGAL WEBSITE OPTIMIZATION By


Website Optimization for Lawyers and Divorce Lawyer SEO

This Blog is for attorneys only. Clients and others, please don't peek! I aim to have a discussion with my brothers and sisters in the law about optimizing their websites and making a difference in how they view their practices, and ultimately how you view "the lawyers" that are the nub of too many jokes. I am also interested in speaking to related fields like mental health professionals and others.

Attorneys: The Internet offers a multi-textured forum to not simply describe what you can do for people in terms of helping them at the most difficult of moments, attracting those whom you wish to represent, or describing how you might perform your tasks, but it is also a medium to showcase your attitudes, tone, and willingness to serve the community of people who desperately need assistance but are suspicious as hell (for good reason) about the truthfulness and sincerity of lawyers like you and me. I want to help brand a select number of lawyers in various practices, and to help you develop your own personal signature.

Until now we viewed, and the non-lawyer marketeers taught us to view, our websites as mere billboards for attracting clients. There was zero heart in it. These "website professionals" know nothing about the law, they know nothing about your personal talents, your commitment, and most importantly they nothing about the needs of the consuming public. How are they going to adequately be your spokespeople?

I believe that we have a huge opportunity to shape not only our own destinies and business futures, but also the ability to speak to potential clients in a direct and forthright manner that provides real time benefits both in terms of information and perspective. By investing thousands of hours managing my own websites and watching how the search engines respond, assisting numerous others, not to mention investigating all of the costly marketing scams that non-lawyers would foist upon you as a "necessary" or "critical" adjunct to your on-line marketing campaigns, I've gained insights that I hope to share with some of you - yes, for an honest fee that rewards my own dedication and efforts and the insights that I've accumulated.

But - my services are only available for lawyers and legal firms that genuinely wish to take the high road and to serve the public interest. Those attorneys (or their IT people) who simply want a new marketing buzz must go elsewhere. I am looking to make a difference in my world.

How about you?

Legal Specialist Marketing

I have launched Attorney Web Wizard in order to provide lawyers something special and unique in terms of a legal insider's guidance and advice about the arcane mysteries of the Web that hasn't come before, and that really can only be clumsily replicated without investing huge time and energy that I already know you don't have available to you.

I invite you to duplicate my efforts, or to hire others to try. Or, you might send me an email or call for a chat!

Okay, I agree - this is silly. We won't put it on your website!

For more information contact Thurman Arnold, CFLS
(Sincere inquiries only!)